
File:The dragon, image, and demon; or, The three religions of China- Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism, giving an account of the mythology, idolatry, and demonolatry of the Chinese (1887) (14760951946).jpg


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Identifier: dragonimagedemon1887dubo (find matches)
Title: The dragon, image, and demon; or, The three religions of China: Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism, giving an account of the mythology, idolatry, and demonolatry of the Chinese
Year: 1887 (1880s)
Authors: DuBose, Hampden C
Subjects: Taoism Buddhism Confucianism
Publisher: New York, A. C. Armstrong & son
Contributing Library: Harold B. Lee Library
Digitizing Sponsor: Brigham Young University

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arrison, * Yonder sun is my father and the earth is mymother, so Confucianism presents nature veiled in amore transparent personification. The worship of thesun is a part of the State religion, and the mandarinsmake their offerings to the sun tablet. Turn thee yetagain, and thou shalt see greater abominations than these.. . . There were five-and-twenty men, with their facestoward the east; and they worshipped the sun towardsthe east. Thus Ezekiels vision is seen in China. Moon-god.—The queen of night, her light so soft andsilvery, attracts the pagan worshipper, and at the full The Adoration of Nature. 69 harvest moon in the 8th month a nation bows before theheavenly luminary, and each family lights incense madeinto a vase with gift flowers as an offering. The picturerepresents the moon-palace; the hare pestling medicinein a mortar, Mrs. Changngo, who stole the drug of immor-tality and fled to the moon, and the fragrant tree whichone of the genii tries to cut down. The legend affirms
Text Appearing After Image:
Palace of the Moon. that Mrs. Changngo became changed into a frog, whoseoutline is traced by the Chinese on the moons surface.The following written player is seldom used: Thynature is effulgent, transparent without spot; thou, theicy-wheel in the milky way along the heavenly street,a mirror always bright; 100,000 classes all receive thyblessings. yo The Dragon, Image, and Demon, Eclipse.—The Chinese do not differ from other Tieathennations in the terror they manifest at an eclipse, whenthe wild sun eats the real sun, and in the means theyuse to appease the heavenly deities. In Africa they say, The eclipse monster has eaten the sun. The SouthAmerican Indians thought the moon was hunted across

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Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.


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  • bookid:dragonimagedemon1887dubo
  • bookyear:1887
  • bookdecade:1880
  • bookcentury:1800
  • bookauthor:DuBose__Hampden_C
  • booksubject:Taoism
  • booksubject:Buddhism
  • booksubject:Confucianism
  • bookpublisher:New_York__A__C__Armstrong___son
  • bookcontributor:Harold_B__Lee_Library
  • booksponsor:Brigham_Young_University
  • bookleafnumber:69
  • bookcollection:americana
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