English: Archaeologist from Chodlik Archaeological Mission of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences working with archaeological finds from early medieval burials discovered in Chodlik, a small village located in eastern Poland, famous for the number of relics found there from early medieval times.
English: Archaeologist from Chodlik Archaeological Mission of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences working with archaeological finds from early medieval burials discovered in Chodlik - small village located in Eastern Poland famoust from rich relicts of early medieval settlements.
The Chodelka Valley is an exceptional site for scholars of Poland’s early middle ages, in particular the tribal period (7th-10th centuries). In this beautiful valley, running for around 15 km up to the river’s outlet into the Vistula, the remains of four major settlements can be found alongside numerous smaller ones, kurgan burial grounds. The majestic fortified settlement at Chodlik is one of the largest in the Małopolska region. It is likely to have been an extremely important point on the map of early-medieval Slavic tribes long before the Polish state was founded. Crucially, until recently we were not aware of any burial grounds associated with the extensive settlements in the Chodelka Valley. Our research has changed all that.