

(重定向自Cardiovascular disease
Cardiovascular disease
一個心臟纖維化(黃色)和澱粉樣變(棕色)顯微照片。 Movat's stain。(Micrograph of a heart with fibrosis (yellow) and amyloidosis英语AL amyloidosis (brown). Movat's stain英语Movat's stain.)
类型冠狀動脈疾病中風心臟衰竭hypertensive heart disease英语hypertensive heart disease風溼熱cardiomyopathy英语cardiomyopathy[2][3]
治療治療 高血壓高脂血症糖尿病[2]

心血管疾病cardiovascular diseaseCVD)是關於心臟血管的疾病[2],又稱為循環系統疾病迴圈系統疾病。常見的心血管疾病包括冠狀動脈症候群中風高血壓性心臟病風濕性心臟病動脈瘤心肌病變心房顫動先天性心臟病心內膜炎、以及周邊動脈阻塞性疾病等等[2][3]。突发且有明显症状的心血管疾病,称为心血管事件(cardiovascular event)。


估計有九成的心血管疾病是可以預防的[5]。可以藉著減少風險因子來預防動脈硬化,比方說健康飲食、規律運動、戒煙與控制飲酒量[2]。控制血壓與糖尿病也對心血管健康有幫助[2]。用抗生素治療鏈球菌咽喉炎能減少發生風濕性心臟病的機會[6]。健康的人服用阿斯匹靈對心血管健康的影響尚未有定論[7][8]美國預防服務工作小組英语United States Preventive Services Task Force。不建議55歲以下的女性與45歲以下的男性為預防心血管疾病服用阿斯匹靈,年紀高於此標準的人則視個人狀況而定可能適合使用阿斯匹靈[9]。對已患有心血管疾病的人而言,接受治療也能改善預後[2]























  1. ^ Go, AS; Mozaffarian, D; Roger, VL; Benjamin, EJ; Berry, JD; Borden, WB; Bravata, DM; Dai, S; Ford, ES; Fox, CS; Franco, S; Fullerton, HJ; Gillespie, C; Hailpern, SM; Heit, JA; Howard, VJ; Huffman, MD; Kissela, BM; Kittner, SJ; Lackland, DT; Lichtman, JH; Lisabeth, LD; Magid, D; Marcus, GM; Marelli, A; Matchar, DB; McGuire, DK; Mohler, ER; Moy, CS; Mussolino, ME; Nichol, G; Paynter, NP; Schreiner, PJ; Sorlie, PD; Stein, J; Turan, TN; Virani, SS; Wong, ND; Woo, D; Turner, MB; American Heart Association Statistics Committee and Stroke Statistics, Subcommittee. Heart disease and stroke statistics--2013 update: a report from the American Heart Association.. Circulation. 1 January 2013, 127 (1): e6–e245. PMID 23239837. doi:10.1161/cir.0b013e31828124ad. 
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  12. ^ 12.0 12.1 American Heart Association. Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics-2006 Update. 2006.  外部链接存在于|title= (帮助)
  13. ^ Go, AS; Mozaffarian, D; Roger, VL; Benjamin, EJ; Berry, JD; Borden, WB; Bravata, DM; Dai, S; Ford, ES; Fox, CS; Franco, S; Fullerton, HJ; Gillespie, C; Hailpern, SM; Heit, JA; Howard, VJ; Huffman, MD; Kissela, BM; Kittner, SJ; Lackland, DT; Lichtman, JH; Lisabeth, LD; Magid, D; Marcus, GM; Marelli, A; Matchar, DB; McGuire, DK; Mohler, ER; Moy, CS; Mussolino, ME; Nichol, G; Paynter, NP; Schreiner, PJ; Sorlie, PD; Stein, J; Turan, TN; Virani, SS; Wong, ND; Woo, D; Turner, MB; American Heart Association Statistics Committee and Stroke Statistics, Subcommittee. Heart disease and stroke statistics--2013 update: a report from the American Heart Association.. Circulation. 1 January 2013, 127 (1): e6–e245. PMID 23239837. doi:10.1161/cir.0b013e31828124ad. 
  14. ^ Mendis, Shanthi; Puska,, Pekka; Norrving, Bo. Global atlas on cardiovascular disease prevention and control 1st ed. Geneva: World Health Organization in collaboration with the World Heart Federation and the World Stroke Organization. 2011: 48. ISBN 9789241564373.  Authors list列表缺少|last1= (帮助)
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