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青春期阻滞剂、激素阻滞剂或荷尔蒙阻断剂是用于推迟儿童青春期的药物。最为常用的青春期阻滞剂是促性腺激素释放激素(简称 GnRH)激动剂,例如戈舍瑞林,可抑制包括睾酮和雌激素等性激素的生物合成。[1][2][3]青春期阻滞剂可用于跨性別儿童以延缓其不想要的第二性徵发育,[4]给予跨性别青少年更多的时间探索自己的性别认同。[5]
2020年一篇发布在《儿童和青少年心理健康》(英语:Child and Adolescent Mental Health)上的一篇研究回顾发现青春期阻滞剂与成年期自杀率降低、情感和心理功能改善、更健康的社交生活等正面结果相关。[31]2020年发布在《儿科学》的一项调查发现青春期阻滞剂的使用与更好的心理健康和一生中更低的自杀念头的概率相关。[39]2022 年一篇发表于美国医学会杂志的研究发现,一群年龄由13至20岁的跨性别青少年的研究对象在使用青春期阻滞剂和性别肯定激素超过12个月后,其中度和重度抑郁症率降低了60%,自杀率则降低了73%。[40]2022年发表在《柳叶刀》上的一项研究调查了720名使用青春期阻滞剂及激素的青少年,发现其中98%的人在随访中还继续使用激素。[41]
FDA在2022年报告称有六例出生指定性别为女性并使用青春期阻滞剂的儿童患特发性颅内高压的病例。[54]这六名经历青春期阻滞剂副作用的患者当中有五名使用青春期阻滞剂以治疗性早熟,而剩下一名患者则是使用青春期阻滞剂治疗性别不安。[55]阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校的儿科医生莫里萨·拉丁斯基博士(英语:Dr. Morissa Ladinsky)是跨性别医疗方面的专家。她称许多药物都可能导致特发性颅内高压的副作用,尤其是口服避孕药。就报告的六例副作用,拉丁斯基称其在统计学上不显著,并没有太大意义。[56]
[编辑]目前青春期阻滞剂有多种选择,其中包括GnRH激动剂如布舍瑞林、组氨瑞林、亮丙瑞林、那法瑞林、曲普瑞林等。[59][60]GnRH激动剂可用作每日皮下注射、持续1至6个月的长效皮下或肌肉注射、持续12个月的植入物以及每日多次使用的鼻喷雾剂。[59][60] GnRH 拮抗剂也有望成为有效的青春期阻滞剂,但这一点尚未被有足够的研究支持,其也还未被广泛应用于此目的。[59][61]大剂量的孕激素,如醋酸甲羥孕酮和醋酸环丙孕酮等在过去曾被作青春期阻滞剂使用,而如今在无法使用GnRH激动剂的情况下也会使用。[59]这些药物的效果不如GnRH激动剂,且有更多副作用。[59]若保险机构拒绝给跨性别女孩报销GnRH激动剂,抗雄激素比卡鲁胺有时也被用作替代性质的青春期阻滞剂。[62][63]
[编辑]青春期阻滞剂对跨性别儿童的使用因其知情同意问题和目前有限的研究而遭到批评。[69]牛津大学社會學系副教授迈克尔·比格斯(英语:Michael Biggs)称,目前针对青春期阻滞剂对跨性别儿童的影响的研究缺乏透明度或可靠性。[70][71]美国内分泌学会指南呼吁进行更严格的安全和有效性评估,并要仔细评估“青少年青春期长期延迟对骨骼健康、性腺功能以及大脑的影响(包括对认知、情感、社会和性发展的影响)”。[38]
据英国广播公司“女性时间”报道,英国国民保健署(NHS)于2020年6月30日修改了其网站上显示的关于青春期阻滞剂效果的可逆性以及其在治疗未成年人性别不安的使用的相关信息。[96] NHS删除了“GnRH类似物的治疗效果是完全可逆的”的字样,并以“目前激素或青春期阻滞剂对有性别不安的儿童的长期副作用尚不明确。尽管性别认同发展服务(GIDS)称该疗法在物理上可以逆转,但其心理影响尚不明确。激素阻滞剂对青少年大脑发育或儿童骨骼的影响也尚不明确。其副作用可能包括潮热、疲乏以及情绪变化。”[96]
[编辑]- “女性倾向跨性别者科学”中文译本存档站 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- 有关 GnRH 类似物作为青春期阻断剂用于跨性别青年的评述 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- 帕莫酸曲普瑞林(美国 Trelstar)处方说明书 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- 盐酸雷洛昔芬(美国 Evista)处方说明书 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
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To prevent the consequences of going through a puberty that doesn't match a transgender child's identity, healthcare providers may use fully reversible medications that put puberty on hold.
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The few studies that have examined the psychological effects of suppressing puberty, as the first stage before possible future commencement of CSH therapy, have shown benefits.
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Often, pubertal suppression...reduces the need for later surgery because physical changes that are otherwise irreversible (protrusion of the Adam's apple, male pattern baldness, voice change, breast growth, etc) are prevented. The available data reveal that pubertal suppression in children who identify as TGD generally leads to improved psychological functioning in adolescence and young adulthood.
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Treating GD/gender-incongruent adolescents entering puberty with GnRH analogs has been shown to improve psychological functioning in several domains", "In the future, we need more rigorous evaluations of the effectiveness and safety of endocrine and surgical protocols. Specifically, endocrine treatment protocols for GD/gender incongruence should include the careful assessment of the following: (1) the effects of prolonged delay of puberty in adolescents on bone health, gonadal function, and the brain (including effects on cognitive, emotional, social, and sexual development)". "the effects of prolonged delay of puberty in adolescents on bone health, gonadal function, and the brain (including effects on cognitive, emotional, social, and sexual development).
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The critical outcomes for decision making are the impact on gender dysphoria, mental health and quality of life. The quality of evidence for these outcomes was assessed as very low certainty using modified GRADE.
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Terveydenhuoltolain mukaan (8§) terveydenhuollon toiminnan on perustuttava näyttöön ja hyviin hoito- ja toimintakäytäntöihin. Alaikäisten osalta tutkimusnäyttöön perustuvia terveydenhuollon menetelmiä ei ole.
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GnRHa therapy prevents maturation of primary oocytes and spermatogonia and may preclude gamete maturation, and currently there are no proven methods to preserve fertility in early pubertal transgender adolescents.
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The primary risks of pubertal suppression in gender dysphoric youth treated with GnRH agonists include adverse effects on bone mineralization, compromised fertility, and unknown effects on brain development.
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pubertal suppression may prevent key aspects of development during a sensitive period of brain organization", "we need high-quality research to understand the impacts of this treatment – impacts which may be positive in some ways and potentially negative in others.
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This stance wilfully ignores decades of use of and research about puberty blockers and hormone therapy
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Our multidisciplinary staged approach is paced to ensure time for exploration of a range of possibilities and to ensure meaningful consent to any treatments.
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the effects of treatment with GnRH analogues are considered to be fully reversible, so treatment can usually be stopped at any time after a discussion between you, your child and your MDT (multi-disciplinary team)," "the effects of treatment with GnRH analogues are considered to be fully reversible, so treatment can usually be stopped at any time after a discussion between you, your child and your MDT (multi-disciplinary team),
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