

符号与象徵亚舍拉神柱英语Asherah pole
巴力迦南宗教英语Canaanite religion
埃尔库尼撒赫梯宗教英语Hittite mythology and religion
阿穆鲁英语Amurru (god)亚摩利宗教

亚舍拉(Asherah、Athirat、Ashirat,又称作阿瑟拉[2]阿西拉特[3])是古代闪米特宗教英语Ancient Semitic religion所崇拜的一位迦南神话英语Canaanite religion中的女神,并出现在许多古代资料中。她是最高神埃爾的妻子,因此她又是人类之母、众神之母、万物之主宰。[2][3]同时她还主宰海洋,是大海的女王。[2][3]

她在阿卡德人的文献中以阿西拉图 Ašratu(m)的名字出现,在赫梯人的文献中以阿瑟尔图 Aserdu(s)或Asertu(s)的名字出现。亚舍拉通常被认为与乌加里特女神ʾAṯiratu等同。







公元前1200年以前的乌加里特几乎总是将她的全名写为rbtʾaṯrt ym(或rbtʾaṯrt)。这个短语仅在巴力史诗英语Baal Cycle中就出现了12次。[12]rbt最常被称为rabītu[13],学者有时也使用rabat和rabīti[14],显然源自于阿卡德人,rabītu的意思是“(伟大的)女主宰”。[15]她出现在她的儿子海神雅姆英语Yam (god)巴力的斗争中。在英文翻译中,雅姆被认为是“海神”,这在某种程度上是不正确的,因为雅姆(希伯来语:יָם)是一个常见的西方闪米特语词根,字面意思是“海洋”。因此,人们可以将雅姆理解为海洋本身,或者是海洋的神格化,而不是一个掌管海洋的神。亚舍拉(Athirat)这个名字可以被解释为“海洋的女主宰”[16],或者是“在大海上行走的她”[17],甚至是“伟大的踏海的贵妇人”[18]2010年,一位学者提出,亚舍拉(Athirat)这个名字可能源自一种被动分词形式,指的是“紧随其后的是(众神)”,也就是说她也是“生殖和起源的女性”,这与亚舍拉在乌加里特文学中“众神之母”的形象相符。[19]

某些翻译者和评论家推测亚舍拉(Athirat)的名字来自于乌加里特语的词根ʾaṯr,“stride”,是希伯来语的词根ʾšr的同源词,意思相同。她的名字的另一种解释已经被提出,以遵循这个推测的词源,如“踩在海龙上的她”[20],或“踩在泰尔上的她”[21],前者似乎是试图赋予乌加里特文献一种对抗混乱英语Chaos (cosmogony)的斗争。




根据亚述游牧的阿摩利人的神话观念,阿什拉图(Ashratu)是玛尔图(Martu)/阿穆鲁英语Amurru (god)(Amurru)的妻子。而在也门神话中她又成为了阿姆的妻子,可能是最高女神、众神之母。[3]亚舍拉在卡塔班王国也受到崇拜,而且她也出现在亚述或巴比伦神话中。[3]亚舍拉大概是太阳女神的化身之一,她的别名是“对一切都好的”,在献给她的祭品中,生殖器崇拜物占有重要地位。[3]








  1. ^ Miller, Patrick D. El the Warrior. The Harvard Theological Review. 1967, 60 (4): 411–431. JSTOR 1509250. doi:10.1017/S0017816000003886. 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 刁绍华/主编《外国文学大词典》吉林教育出版社、1990年、p.1689。
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 鲁刚/主编《世界神话辞典辽宁人民出版社、1989年、p.426。
  4. ^ "Asherah" in The New Encyclopædia Britannica. Chicago: Encyclopædia Britannica Inc., 15th edn., 1992, Vol. 1, pp. 623–624.
  5. ^ Leeming, David. The Oxford Companion to World Mythology. Oxford University Press, USA. 17 November 2005: 32 [2022-02-25]. ISBN 978-0-19-515669-0. (原始内容存档于2022-02-26). 
  6. ^ Binger, Tilde. Asherah: Goddesses in Ugarit, Israel and the Old Testament 1st. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press. 1997: 74. ISBN 9780567119766. 
  7. ^ Deuteronomy 12: 3–4
  8. ^ Olyan, Saul M., Asherah and the cult of Yahweh in Israel, Scholars Press: 79, 1988, ISBN 9781555402549 
  9. ^ "...pray thou not for this people... The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead [their] dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings to other gods, that they may provoke me to anger." (King James Version)
  10. ^ Rainer, Albertz, Personal piety, Stavrakopoulou, Francesca; Barton, John (编), Religious Diversity in Ancient Israel and Judah reprint, Continuum International Publishing Group: 135–146 (at 143), 2010, ISBN 9780567032164 
  11. ^ 鲁刚/主编《世界神话辞典辽宁人民出版社、1989年、p.247。
  12. ^ 12.0 12.1 Gibson, J. C. L.; Driver, G. R., Canaanite Myths and Legends, T. & T. Clark, 1978, ISBN 9780567023513 
  13. ^ Wiggins, Steve A. Wyatt, N. , 编. A Reassessment of Asherah: With Further Considerations of the Goddess. Gorgias Ugaritic Studies 2. NJ, USA: Gorgias Press. 2007: 77. 
  14. ^ Ahlström, Gösta W. Engnell, Ivan; Furumark, Arne; Nordström, Carl-Otto , 编. Aspects of Syncretism in Israelite Religion. Horae Soederblominae 5. 由Sharpe, Eric J.翻译. Lund, SE: C.W.K. Gleerup. 1963: 68. 
  15. ^ Rahmouni, Aicha. Epithet 94: rbt ʾaṯrt ym. Divine Epithets in the Ugaritic Alphabetic Texts. 由Ford, J. N.翻译. Leiden, NE: Brill. 2008: 278. ISBN 9789004157699. 
  16. ^ Rahmouni, Aicha. Epithet 94: rbt ʾaṯrt ym. Divine Epithets in the Ugaritic Alphabetic Texts. 由Ford, J. N.翻译. Leiden, NE: Brill. 2008: 281. ISBN 9789004157699. 
  17. ^ Binger, Tilde. Asherah: Goddesses in Ugarit, Israel and the Old Testament 1st. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press. 1997: 44. ISBN 9780567119766. 
  18. ^ Wyatt, N. Religious Texts from Ugarit 2nd. London: Sheffield Academic Press. 2003: 131 et al. 
  19. ^ Sung Jin Park, "Short Notes on the Etymology of Asherah", Ugarit Forschungen 42 (2010): 527–534.
  20. ^ Albright, W. F. Yahweh and the gods of Canaan: a historical analysis of two contrasting faiths. London: University of London, Athlone Press. 1968: 105–106. ISBN 9780931464010. 
  21. ^ Emerton, J. A. "New Light on Israelite Religion: The Implications of the Inscriptions from Kuntillet ʿAjrud", Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 94. Brill. 1982: 8. S2CID 170614720. doi:10.1515/zatw.1982.94.1.2. 
  22. ^ see KTU 1.4 I 23.
  23. ^ Noted by Raphael Patai, "The Goddess Asherah", Journal of Near Eastern Studies 24.1/2 (1965: 37–52), p. 39.


  • 鲁刚/主编《世界神话辞典》(辽宁人民出版社、1989年)ISBN 7-205-00960-X
  • 刁绍华/主编《外国文学大词典》(吉林教育出版社、1990年)ISBN 7-5383-1097-5
  • Ahlström, Gösta W., Engnell, Ivan; Furumark, Arne; Nordström, Carl-Otto , 编, Aspects of Syncretism in Israelite Religion, Horae Soederblominae 5, 由Sharpe, Eric J.翻译, Lund, SE: C.W.K. Gleerup: 68, 1963 .
  • Albright, W. F., Yahweh and the gods of Canaan: a historical analysis of two contrasting faiths, London: University of London, Athlone Press: 105–106, 1968, ISBN 9780931464010 .
  • Barker, Margaret, The Mother of the Lord Volume 1: The Lady in the Temple, T & T Clark, 2012, ISBN 9780567528155 .
  • Binger, Tilde, Asherah: Goddesses in Ugarit, Israel and the Old Testament 1st, Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press: 42–93, 1997, ISBN 9780567119766 .
  • Dever, William G., Did God Have A Wife?: Archaeology And Folk Religion In Ancient Israel, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 2005 [2022-02-25], ISBN 9780802828521, (原始内容存档于2022-05-01) .
  • Emerton, J. A. New Light on Israelite Religion: The Implications of the Inscriptions from Kuntillet ʿAjrud. Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft. 1982, 94: 2–20. S2CID 170614720. doi:10.1515/zatw.1982.94.1.2. 
  • Hadley, Judith M., The Cult of Asherah in Ancient Israel and Judah: The Evidence for a Hebrew Goddess, University of Cambridge Oriental publications, 57, Cambridge University Press, 2000, ISBN 9780521662352 .
  • Kien, Jenny, Reinstating the Divine Woman in Judaism, Universal Publishers, 2000, ISBN 9781581127638, OCLC 45500083 .
  • Long, Asphodel P., In a Chariot Drawn by Lions: The Search for the Female in Deity, Crossing Press, 1993, ISBN 9780895945754 .
  • Myer, Allen C., Asherah, Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible, Amsterdam University Press, 2000 .
  • Park, Sung Jin. Short Notes on the Etymology of Asherah. Ugarit Forschungen. 2010, 42: 527–534. 
  • Park, Sung Jin. The Cultic Identity of Asherah in Deuteronomistic Ideology of Israel. Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft. 2011, 123 (4): 553–564. S2CID 170589596. doi:10.1515/zaw.2011.036. 
  • Patai, Raphael, The Hebrew Goddess, Jewish folklore and anthropology, Wayne State University Press, 1990, ISBN 9780814322710, OCLC 20692501 .
  • Rahmouni, Aicha, Divine Epithets in the Ugaritic Alphabetic Texts, 由Ford, J. N.翻译, Leiden, NE: Brill, 2008 .
  • Reed, William Laforest, The Asherah in the Old Testament, Texas christian university press, 1949, OCLC 491761457 .
  • Taylor, Joan E., The Asherah, the Menorah and the Sacred Tree, Journal for the Study of the Old Testament (University of Sheffield, Dept. of Biblical Studies), 1995, 20 (66): 29–54, ISSN 0309-0892, OCLC 88542166, S2CID 170422840, doi:10.1177/030908929502006602 .
  • Wiggins, Steve A., A Reassessment of 'Asherah': A Study according to the Textual Sources of the First Two Millennia B.C.E, Alter Orient und Altes Testament, Bd. 235., Verlag Butzon & Bercker, 1993, ISBN 9783788714796 .
  • Wiggins, Steve A., Wyatt, N. , 编, A Reassessment of Asherah: With Further Considerations of the Goddess, Gorgias Ugaritic Studies 2 2nd, NJ, USA: Gorgias Press, 2007 .
  • Wyatt, N., Religious Texts from Ugarit 2nd, London: Sheffield Academic Press, 2003 .