

Louis Pasteur
国籍 法國

路易·巴斯德(法語:Louis Pasteur发音:[lwi pastœʁ] ,1822年12月27日—1895年9月28日),法国微生物学家、化学家微生物学、免疫学和发酵工艺等领域奠基人之一。他以借生源说否定自然发生说(自生说)、倡导疾病细菌学说(胚种学说),以及发明预防接种方法以及巴氏杀菌法而闻名,為第一個創造狂犬病炭疽病疫苗科學家。被世人称颂为 “进入科学王国的最完美无缺的人”[2]。他和费迪南德·科恩以及罗伯特·科赫一起开创了细菌学,被认为是微生物学的奠基者之一[3],常被稱为“微生物學之父”。[4][5][6]



















除了發現防止紅酒變酸的方法之外,巴斯德也找到了導致蠶生病的原因。他的研究成果捍衛法國在絲織產業與時尚工業的優勢地位,這又是一樁足以令全法國人向他致敬的傑出成就。他接着將研究範圍拓展到家禽、家畜與人類疾病作用的方式,更透過研究疫苗證實其功效。巴斯德提出了预防接种措施,认为传染病的微生物在特殊的培养之下可以减轻毒力,变成防病的疫苗。他于1881年著手研究狂犬病,1885年以減毒的方式(the method for attenuatio of virulent microorganisms)研製出減毒狂犬病疫苗,巴斯德的名聲引來大西洋彼岸的求助,當時美國新澤西幾名男童遭到感染狂犬病的犬隻攻擊,性命垂危。這起新聞引起美國民眾的重視,自發集資協助這幾名男童跨越大西洋至巴黎,尋求巴斯德的救助,而巴斯德也不負眾望,利用他研究出的狂犬病疫苗,在同年7月6日治療一受狂犬咬傷的9歲兒童Joseph Meister英语Joseph Meister[8]至此,巴斯德已經是跨越歐陸國界及大西洋隔閡的知識英雄。





莫里斯·瓦莱里-拉多法语Maurice Vallery-Radot是巴斯德女婿兄弟的外孙,也是天主教徒。他也坚持巴斯德深信天主教。[20]有一个被巴斯德·瓦莱里-拉多和莫里斯·瓦莱里-拉多证明是假的所谓巴斯德的话:[21]"The more I know, the more nearly is my faith that of the Breton peasant. Could I but know all I would have the faith of a Breton peasant's wife".[4]根据莫里斯·瓦莱里-拉多,[22]这个错误的传言最早是在巴斯德时候不久出现的。[23]

但巴斯德的外孙路易斯·巴斯德·瓦莱里-拉多英语Louis Pasteur Vallery-Radot说,巴斯德仅仅相信天主教中的灵性,但没有参加过日常的宗教活动,[24]尽管巴斯德信仰上帝,一般说,他的观点更接近自由思想家而不是天主教,他表现更多地是灵性的而不是宗教的。[25][26][27]巴斯德也反对将科学和宗教混在一起。[28][29]



1995年,在巴斯德逝世百年纪念之际,美国普林斯顿大学科学史教授拉尔德·盖森英语Gerald L. Geison出版了《巴斯德的隐秘科学》(The Private Science of Louis Pasteur)一书。书中声称,巴斯德这位“最完美无缺的科学家”有欺骗行为,巴斯德的实验记录有的不符合他公开的说法,并且他还从事了违反医学伦理的试验。[30]纽约时报》立刻报道了该书的出版。[31][32]1962年诺贝尔化学奖得主佩鲁茨在《纽约书评》上发布文章《为先驱辩护》进行详细的反驳。[33]此后,相关争论一直不断。[34][35][36]



1887年,巴斯德在巴黎以募捐方式创立了一所公益型私人研究所——巴斯德研究所。建立之初,研究所规模很小,第一批研究队伍仅设5个实验室,有5位室主任和14位助手。至2005年,巴斯德研究所拥有一所医院。该所既是传染性疾病、热带病理学和免疫系统疾病的专业保健中心,又是研究生教育(科研和临床培训)中心,生物学基础研究中心、公共健康应用研究中心。同时它还建有一个博物馆、一个包括图书馆在内的科技信息中心、多家公司和分布在全球29个国家内的32所研究机构。[37][38] 共有8位诺贝尔生理学和医学奖获得者在该所学习和工作过,他们是拉韦朗梅契尼科夫博尔代尼科尔博韦利沃夫雅各布莫诺[38]






  1. ^ Asimov, Asimov's Biographical Encyclopedia of Science and Technology 2nd Revised edition
  2. ^ Rene J. Dubos. Louis Pasteur Free Lance Of Science. Boston: Little, Brown And Company. 1950: 24. 
  3. ^ 微生物学的奠基人——伟大的巴斯德. 中国科普博览. [2013-10-16]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-24). 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3  James J. Walsh. Louis Pasteur. 天主教百科全书. New York: Robert Appleton Company. 1913. 
  5. ^ Feinstein S. Louis Pasteur: The Father of Microbiology. Enslow Publishers, Inc. 2008: 1–128 [2013-10-16]. ISBN 9781598450781. (原始内容存档于2014-11-10). 
  6. ^ Vander Hook S. Louis Pasteur: Groundbreaking Chemist & Biologist. Minnesota, US: ABDO Publishing Company. 2011: 1–112 [2013-10-16]. ISBN 9781617589416. (原始内容存档于2014-11-10). 
  7. ^ De Gaulle plus grand Français de tous les temps - Culture - Nouvelobs.com. Tempsreel.nouvelobs.com. [2011-11-05]. 
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 陆师义. 巴斯德,L.. 中国大百科全书·生物学 I. 北京: 中国大百科全书出版社. 1991. ISBN 9787500003380. [失效連結]
  9. ^ Pasteur Brewing. Louis Pasteur Timeline: The Life of Louis Pasteur. pasteurbrewing.com. [2013-07-03]. (原始内容存档于2013-08-27). 
  10. ^ 廖俊林. 人類抗病毒史話(4)免疫學的豐碑 巴斯德. 光明网. 2012-08-20 [2013-10-16]. (原始内容存档于2013-10-17). 
  11. ^ L. Pasteur (1848) "Mémoire sur la relation qui peut exister entre la forme cristalline et la composition chimique, et sur la cause de la polarisation rotatoire" (Memoir on the relationship which can exist between crystalline form and chemical composition, and on the cause of rotary polarization)," Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences (Paris), vol. 26, pages 535-538.
  12. ^ L. Pasteur (1848) "Sur les relations qui peuvent exister entre la forme cristalline, la composition chimique et le sens de la polarisation rotatoire"页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) (On the relations that can exist between crystalline form, and chemical composition, and the sense of rotary polarization), Annales de Chimie et de Physique, 3rd series, vol. 24, no. 6, pages 442-459.
  13. ^ George B. Kauffman and Robin D. Myers (1998)"Pasteur's resolution of racemic acid: A sesquicentennial retrospect and a new translation,"页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆The Chemical Educator, vol. 3, no. 6, pages (?).
  14. ^ H. D. Flack (2009) "Louis Pasteur's discovery of molecular chirality and spontaneous resolution in 1848, together with a complete review of his crystallographic and chemical work," Archive-It存檔,存档日期2012年9月6日, Acta Crystallographica, Section A, vol. 65, pages 371-389.
  15. ^ Joseph Gal: Louis Pasteur, Language, and Molecular Chirality. I. Background and Dissymmetry, Chirality 23 (2011) 1−16.
  16. ^ 解增泽(1998),第二十四章 微生物猎人——屡遭挫折的生物学家巴斯德页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  17. ^ 17.0 17.1 卢良恕(1990),微生物学之父——巴斯德页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  18. ^ 確定生源論的實驗-微生物歷史-微生物著名實驗-微生物數字博物館. 中国典型培养物保藏中心. [2013-08-23]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-04). 
  19. ^ (法)R.瓦莱里-拉多. 微生物学的奠基人:巴斯德. 商务印书馆. 1985: 488 [2013-10-17]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-23). 
  20. ^ Vallery-Radot, Maurice. Pasteur. Paris: Perrin. 1994: 377–407. 
  21. ^ Pasteur Vallery-Radot, Letter to Paul Dupuy, 1939, quoted by Hilaire Cuny, Pasteur et le mystère de la vie, Paris, Seghers, 1963, p. 53–54.
  22. ^ Pasteur, 1994, p. 378.
  23. ^ In Pasteur's Semaine religieuse .... du diocèse de Versailles, October 6, 1895, p. 153.
  24. ^ Pasteur Vallery-Radot, Letter to Paul Dupuy, 1939, quoted by Hilaire Cuny, Pasteur et le mystère de la vie, Paris, Seghers, 1963, p. 53–54. Patrice Pinet, Pasteur et la philosophie, Paris, 2005, p. 134–135, quotes analogous assertions of Pasteur Vallery-Radot, with references to Pasteur Vallery-Radot, Pasteur inconnu, p. 232, and André George, Pasteur, Paris, 1958, p. 187. According to Maurice Vallery-Radot (Pasteur, 1994, p. 378), the false quotation appeared for the first time in the Semaine religieuse .... du diocèse de Versailles, October 6, 1895, p. 153, shortly after the death of Pasteur.
  25. ^ Joseph McCabe. A Biographical Dictionary of Ancient, Medieval, and Modern Freethinkers. Haldeman-Julius Publications. 1945 [2012-08-11]. (原始内容存档于2013-03-23). The anonymous Catholic author quotes as his authority the standard biography by Vallery-Radot, yet this describes Pasteur as a freethinker; and this is confirmed in the preface to the English translation by Sir W. Osler, who knew Pasteur personally. Vallery-Radot was himself a Catholic yet admits that Pasteur believed only in "an Infinite" and "hoped" for a future life. Pasteur publicly stated this himself in his Academy speech in 1822 (in V.R.). He said: "The idea of God is a form of the idea of the Infinite whether it is called Brahma, Allah, Jehova, or Jesus." The biographer says that in his last days he turned to the Church but the only "evidence" he gives is that he liked to read the life of St. Vincent de Paul, and he admits that he did not receive the sacraments at death. Relatives put rosary beads in his hands, and the Catholic Encyclopedia claims him as a Catholic in virtue of the fact and of an anonymous and inconclusive statement about him. Wheeler says in his Dictionary of Freethinkers that in his prime Pasteur was Vice-President of the British Secular (Atheist) Union; and Wheeler was the chief Secularist writer of the time. The evidence is overwhelming. Yet the Catholic scientist Sir Bertram Windle assures his readers that "no person who knows anything about him can doubt the sincerity of his attachment to the Catholic Church," and all Catholic writers use much the same scandalous language. 
  26. ^ Patrice Debré. Louis Pasteur. JHU Press. 2000: 176. ISBN 9780801865299. Does this mean that Pasteur was bound to a religious ideal? His attitude was that of a believer, not of a sectarian. One of his most brilliant disciples, Elie Metchnikoff, was to attest that he spoke of religion only in general terms. In fact, Pasteur evaded the question by claiming quite simply that religion has no more place in science than science has in religion. ...A biologist more than a chemist, a spiritual more than a religious man, Pasteur was held back only by the lack of more powerful technical means and therefore had to limit himself to identifying germs and explaining their generation. 
  27. ^ Brendon Barnett. Louis Pasteur: A Religious Man?. Pasteur Brewing. 2011-05-31 [2012-08-11]. (原始内容存档于2012-11-14). However, unlike many others, Pasteur asserted the preeminence of hypotheses over religious or metaphysical prejudices and always seemed willing to abandon theories that were outdated or useless in practicality. Pasteur often saw religion as a hinderance to scientific progress. In 1874, presiding over the award ceremony at the Collège of Arbois, he clearly stated his position: "I know that the word free thinker is written somewhere within our walls as a challenge and an affront. Do you know what most of the free thinkers want? Some want the freedom not to think at all and to be fettered by ignorance; others want the freedom to think badly; and others still, the freedom to be dominated by what is suggested to them by instinct and to despise all authority and all tradition. Freedom of thought in the Cartesian sense, freedom to work hard, freedom to pursue research, the right to arrive at such truth as is accessible to evidence and to conform one's conduct to these exigencies--oh! let us vow a cult to this freedom; for this is what has created modern society in its highest and most fruitful aspects." Pasteur had great respect for the unknown and the infinite, but did not allow himself to become a victim of superstition and fanatical religious explanations. 
  28. ^ Brendon Barnett. Louis Pasteur: A Religious Man?. Pasteur Brewing. 2011-05-31 [2012-08-11]. (原始内容存档于2012-11-14). Louis Pasteur did not deny religion, but was compelled to say that, "religion has no more place in science than science has in religion." The role of religion in his mind was clear: "In each one of us there are two men, the scientist and the man of faith or of doubt. These two spheres are separate, and woe to those who want to make them encroach upon one another in the present state of our knowledge!" 
  29. ^ Patrice Debré. Louis Pasteur. JHU Press. 2000: 176. ISBN 9780801865299. 
  30. ^ Gerald Geison. The Private Science of Louis Pasteur. Princeton University Press. 1995. ISBN 0-691-01552-X. 
  31. ^ Lewis Wolpert. Experiments in Deceit. The New York Times. 1995-05-07 [2013-10-17]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-28). 
  32. ^ LAWRENCE K. ALTMAN. THE DOCTOR'S WORLD; Revisionist History Sees Pasteur As Liar Who Stole Rival's Ideas. The New York Times. 1995-05-16 [2013-10-17]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-23). 
  33. ^ M.F. Perutz. The Pioneer Defended. New York Review of Books. December 21 [2013-10-17]. (原始内容存档于2015-10-29). 
  34. ^ Gerald L Geison. Pasteur and the Culture Wars: An Exchange. New York Review of Books. April 4 [2013-10-17]. (原始内容存档于2015-09-20). 
  35. ^ William C. Summers. Pasteur’s ‘Private Science’. New York Review of Books. February 6 [2013-10-17]. (原始内容存档于2015-10-29). 
  36. ^ 方舟子. 巴斯德是否骗人——科学史上著名公案(30) (PDF). 经济观察报. 2009-04-13 [2013-10-17]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2021-04-23). 
  37. ^ Institut Pasteur International Network. pasteur-international.org. [2013-07-03]. (原始内容存档于2014-06-06). 
  38. ^ 38.0 38.1 杨威; 李志平. 巴斯德研究所面面观. 《医学与哲学:人文社会医学版》. 2008, (4): 67–69 [2013-10-16]. (原始内容存档于2022-05-09). 





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