


白白的恩典(英語:Free grace;也称白白恩典[1]是一种基督教救恩观,主张信心是得救的唯一条件,得救的人拥有永恒的安全,即他们不会失去救恩;这样的安全不依赖信徒的善行和坚忍,只依赖神的应许和保证。白白的恩典的倡导者们认为,善行并不是赚取救恩(如天主教所主张[2])的条件,也不是维持救恩(如阿米念主义所主张)的条件,也不是证明救恩(如加尔文主义所主张)的条件,而是作为基督门徒的要素和接受永恒奖赏的基础[3][4][5][6]。这种救恩观区分了得救和作门徒 - 得救是相信基督为救主,接受永生的礼物;作门徒是跟随基督并顺服他[7] 。白白的恩典神学家强调救恩的绝对免费性,救恩是白白得来的,因此信徒完全不需要基于自己的表现而确信自己有永生,只需基于神的话语就可确信自己有永生。与此相对的是,其他神学立场往往需要基于信徒的个人表现才能确信他们是否有永生。









信仰 解释
惟独信心 神宣告一个相信基督的人为义,这与信仰前后的行为无关。约翰福音3:14–17将相信耶稣比作以色列人在旷野望着铜蛇得到医治(参见《民数记》第21章)。[47]
父子关系有别于亲密关系 仅凭信心,人就可以与神建立起永久的父子关系。当人相信时,就会有"新生",这种属灵上的重生是无法撤销的。然而,这种家庭关系并不保证与神的亲密团契;要与神保持亲密关系,需要顺从。[48]
称义有别于成圣 在神面前的称义是一种无条件的免费恩赐,仅凭信心就能获得;但是,成圣则需要对神的顺从。并非所有基督徒的成圣都能得到保证。只有所有基督徒最终被荣耀化到无罪状态的事情才能得到保证(罗马书8:30;腓立比书2:12)。[49][50]
永恒的安全 人一旦相信耶稣基督是神和救主,无论他后来的行为如何,他都将与神共度永恒。神的永恒接纳是无条件的。加入神的家庭是永久的、不可撤销的礼物(罗马书11:29)。[51][52]
得救的确据 每个基督徒都能对自己的永恒救恩产生确据,因为神称那些单单相信的人为义,并保证永恒的安全。[53][54]
赏赐和管教 所有基督徒都将接受基督的审判,审判是根据他们的行为和对基督的效法程度。这被称为基督的审判台。这个审判并不涉及天堂或地狱,而是赏赐或暂时的惩罚。神作为父亲对他的孩子们的接纳是无条件给予的。然而,神只给那些顺从、服侍他的孩子们永恒的尊贵、荣耀和地位。好的父母会管教他们的孩子,不会支持有害的行为。同样,神也不会支持他的儿女的罪恶行为(希伯来书12:5-11)。[55]







  • 大部分白白的恩典神学家,包括Harry A. Ironside,Lewis Sperry Chafer, Charles Ryrie, Walvoord, Pentecost, Charlie Bing等人,都认为悔改应被视为改变心意,而不是转离罪恶或对罪恶的悔恨。因此,在这个观点中,悔改被视为相信的同义词。[59] [60]
  • 赞恩·C·霍奇斯、David Anderson、 Robert Wilkin 提出了第二种观点[61] ,悔改被定义为转离罪恶,但不是获得永生的条件,只有相信基督才是获得永生的条件。赞恩·霍奇斯在他的书《与神和谐》中提出了这个观点,他认为悔改不是得救的条件,而是与神团契和成圣的条件。
  • 约瑟夫·迪洛(Joseph Dillow )教导说悔改是指对罪恶的悔恨或后悔,在他看来,这是相信的必要前提条件。然而,迪洛拒绝了将悔改视为对基督的委身的观点。



白白的恩典神学家对基督审判台前的永恒奖赏的教义给予了极大的重视。根据该神学,那些看似将称义与善行联系起来的经文,实际上指向永恒的奖赏,而非永恒的救恩。这种观点认为,个人将因着他们的服事程度获得不同的奖赏,这一解读基于哥林多前书,保罗提到有人得救,却“像从火里经过的一样”。恩典神学家将此理解为,那些没有服事基督的人会得救,但会丧失永恒的奖赏。[62] [63]







与之不同的是,虽然查尔斯·赖瑞是白白的恩典神学家,但他认为信心自然会引导人行善,他解释说雅各书是在谈论永恒的得救。赖瑞却反对主权救恩神学(Lordship salvation),认为信徒并不总是有果子,果子也不一定总是明显的。赖瑞补充说,信徒会在“某种程度上,某个时候,某个地方”有果子,但他同意“属肉体的基督徒”是存在的。









我们相信,所有相信基督、通过圣灵重生的人,从他们把耶稣作为救主的那一天起,都有一项特权,就是确信自己得救,这种确信不是基于虚幻地发现了自己有价值,或虚幻地发现了自己配得,而完全建立在圣经上,藉此激发祂的子民产生儿女般的爱、感恩和顺从(路加福音10:20;22:32;哥林多后书5:1, 6–8;提摩太后书1:12;希伯来书10:22;约翰一书5:13)。



在白白的恩典神学家中,对信心的对象有一些争议。赞恩·C·霍奇斯在晚年认为,信心是同意永生的应许;恩典福音社也持此观点。恩典福音社教导说,一个人要得救,不需要知道基督的神性、赎罪和基督的复活;一个人要成圣,需要知道这些[73] [74][75]。但不是所有坚持白白的恩典神学的人都同意此观点。查尔斯·赖瑞、查理·宾、乔迪·迪洛等神学家认为,信心的对象是耶稣基督和他的工作 [74][76] 。关于基督的埋葬对于救赎是否是必需的,存在一些小规模的分歧。[77]




白白的恩典神学家坚持无限赎罪(unlimited atonement) 和刑罚性的、替代性的赎罪(penal substitutionary atonement)。白白的恩典神学也区分了两种类型的饶恕,即地位上的饶恕和家庭内的饶恕:地位上的饶恕是通过单单相信而获得的,而家庭内的饶恕则通过认罪获得。家庭内的饶恕并不是为了得救,而是为了恢复与上帝的团契和亲密关系。




  • 温和加尔文主义:查尔斯·赖瑞和刘易斯·斯佩里·查费尔等人接受了加尔文主义关于拣选的温和形式[78]
  • 有条件的拣选:这是基于上帝的预知,认为上帝根据他预先知道的人的信仰来拣选他们。但持此观点的白白恩典神学家通常拒绝阿米念主义的其他教义。
  • 团体拣选:认为上帝拣选的是一个团体,而不是个人。
  • 服事拣选:肖恩·拉扎尔和恩典福音社等人教导,上帝的拣选总是为了服事的目的。[79][80]


加尔文主义 白白的恩典
全然的败坏:人全然败坏,所以不能对神产生信心[81] 神赐给人能力做选择,他们能够选择相信神,相信基督(无需神注入信心)[82]
无条件的拣选:人无法靠自己来到神面前(神必须注入信心)。神先拣选了一些人,独立于被选之人的选择,将他们带到自己面前。[83] 神希望所有人都能相信他,而拣选是根据神对所有事件(包括信心)的预知。然而,少数恩典神学家相信无条件的拣选,例如查尔斯·赖瑞。[84][85]
有限的赎罪: 神只拣选了一些人,所以基督的死只是为选民;他不是为所有人而死。[86] 耶稣基督为所有人死,但是只对相信他的人有效力。[87][88]
不可抗拒的恩典:人全然败坏,所以神必须将他的恩典强加于选民身上,使得他们不得不相信他。[89] 人能抗拒神的恩典,也能接受他的恩典,无需神的胁迫。[90]
圣徒的坚忍:确定你是否接受了无法抵抗的恩典并因此获得了得救的信心的唯一方式,就是观察你是否在顺从和善行上持续成长。顺从和善行是必然的,因为信心是上帝的礼物,所以信心必须是完美的,并最终能够塑造完美的人。[91] 基督徒通过上帝的恩典获得永恒的安全,而与他们是否在善行中坚忍到底,在“恩典状态”中离世无关。在信仰上坚忍是信徒的选择,也是信徒在今生和永生中实现最大快乐和满足的途径。[92]




  1. ^ 白白的恩典(Free Grace). 马来西亚基督教卫理公会砂拉越华人年议会. 2020-02-26 [2024-06-09]. (原始内容存档于2023-02-01) (中文(简体)). 
  2. ^ Catechism of the Catholic Church. [12 April 2021]. (原始内容存档于2014-06-23). Justification is conferred in Baptism, the sacrament of faith. It conforms us to the righteousness of God, who makes us inwardly just by the power of his mercy. Its purpose is the glory of God and of Christ, and the gift of eternal life . . . . Moved by the Holy Spirit and by charity, we can then merit for ourselves and for others the graces needed for our sanctification, for the increase of grace and charity, and for the attainment of eternal life. 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Anderson, David. Free Grace Soteriology 3rd. The Woodlands, TX: Grace Theology Press. 2018. 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 Dillow, Joseph. Final Destiny: The Future Reign of the Servant Kings. 2012. 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 Webmaster, G. E. S. The Faith of Demons: James 2:19 – Grace Evangelical Society. September 1995 [2023-01-10]. (原始内容存档于2024-07-15) (美国英语). 
  6. ^ Farley, Andrew. Relaxing with God: The Neglected Spiritual Discipline. Baker Books. 2014-06-24. ISBN 978-1-4412-4608-0 (英语). 
  7. ^ Bing, Charles. Grace, Salvation, and Discipleship: How to Understand Some Difficult Bible Passages. The Woodlands, TX: Grace Theology Press. 2015: 7–30. 
  8. ^ Webmaster, G. E. S. A Voice from the Past: Sanctification: What Is It? – Grace Evangelical Society. September 1992 [2023-04-14]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-22) (美国英语). As a strong advocate of Free Grace in the Brethren assemblies, Mackintosh was harshly censured by southern (U.S.) Presbyterian theologian Robert Dabney 
  9. ^ Scofield, Cyrus. In Many Pulpits. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1922. 
  10. ^ YouTube上的"The Power of the Word of God"
  11. ^ 11.0 11.1 Bob Nyberg. The Free Grace Fracture (PDF). 4himnet.com. [25 February 2015]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2024-09-30). 
  12. ^ Lightner, Robert. Sin, the Savior, and Salvation: The Theology of Everlasting Life. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Kregel. 1996. 
  13. ^ Ministries, GraceLife. A History of Free Grace. www.gracelife.org. [2023-04-13]. (原始内容存档于2024-03-13) (美国英语). 
  14. ^ Unger, Merrill. Great Neglected Bible Prophecies. Chicago: Scripture Press. 1955: 120–122. 
  15. ^ Unger, Merrill. The New Unger's Bible Handbook, Rev. Ed.. Chicago: Moody. 2005: 537. 
  16. ^ Hodges, Zane. The Gospel Under Siege. Dallas, TX: Redencion Viva. 1981. 
  17. ^ Hodges, Zane. Absolutely Free: A Biblical Reply to Lordship Salvation. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. 1989. 
  18. ^ Chay, Fred (2017). A Defense of Free Grace Theology: With Respect to Saving Faith, Perseverance, and Assurance. Grace Theology Press. ISBN 978-0-9981385-4-1.
  19. ^ Wilkin, Robert. Justification by Faith Alone is an Essential Part of the Gospel. Journal of the Grace Evangelical Society. 2005: 1–13. 
  20. ^ Stanley, Charles. Understanding Eternal Security: Secure in God's Unconditional Love. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson. 1998. 
  21. ^ Evans, Anthony. Theology You Can Count On. Chicago: Moody. 2008. 
  22. ^ YouTube上的"Isn't It Risky to Embrace Grace? Pt. 1"
  23. ^ William R. Newell. Pilkingtonandsons.com. 1956-04-01 [2015-02-25]. (原始内容存档于2023-06-16). 
  24. ^ Latham, Lance. The Two Gospels. Streamwood, Illinois: Awana Clubs International. 1984. 
  25. ^ Moyer, Larry. Free and Clear: Understanding & Communicating God's Offer of Eternal Life. Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel. 1997. 
  26. ^ Radmacher, Earl. Salvation. Swindoll Leadership Library Series. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson. 2007. 
  27. ^ Bing, Charles. Lordship Salvation: A Biblical Evaluation and Response 2. Xulon. 2010. Lordship Salvation. GraceLife Ministries. 2010-01-01 [2020-08-06]. (原始内容存档于2024-01-21). 
  28. ^ Chay, Fred (编). A Defense of Free Grace Theology. The Woodlands, TX: Grace Theology Press. 2017. 
  29. ^ Tanner, Paul (编). A Defense of Free Grace Theology. The Woodlands, TX: Grace Theology Press. 2017. 
  30. ^ The Gospel Driven Man – Grace Evangelical Society. [2023-04-17]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-24) (美国英语). 
  31. ^ Shawn Lazar – Grace Evangelical Society. [2023-04-13]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-28) (美国英语). 
  32. ^ Kenneth W. Yates – Grace Evangelical Society. [2023-05-12]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-29) (美国英语). 
  33. ^ The Coming Kingdom: What Is the Kingdom and How Is Kingdom Now Theology Changing the Focus of the Church? – Grace Evangelical Society. [2023-05-12]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-20) (美国英语). 
  34. ^ Niemelä, John. Was the Gospel Lost Until the Reformation? – Grace Evangelical Society. July 2015 [2020-09-10]. (原始内容存档于2024-02-22) (美国英语). 
  35. ^ Rokser, Dennis M.; Stegall, Thomas L.; Witzig, Kurt. Should Christians Fear Outer Darkness?. Grace Gospel Press. 2015-09-18. ISBN 978-1-939110-10-7 (英语). 
  36. ^ Hyles, Jack. Enemies of Soul Winning. Exactly what do we mean when we say, "Lordship Salvation"? We are talking about the false doctrine that says that in order for a person to be saved, he must make Jesus the Lord of his life. If that doctrine were true, then no one could be saved, because as long as we are limited by these fleshly bodies, we will be unable to make Jesus totally the Lord of our lives.... There are those who say we have to repent of our sins in order to be saved. No, we have to repent only of the thing that makes us unsaved, and that is unbelief. If a person needs to turn from his sins in order to be saved, what sins does he turn from? Does he turn from pride? Does he turn from selfishness? Does he turn from covetousness? The truth is, nobody can turn from all of his sins until he is raptured and he receives a body like the body of the Saviour. 
  37. ^ Repentance Versus the Heresies of Curtis Hutson & Jack Hyles – Grace Evangelical Society. 2023-10-03 [2023-10-04]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-22) (美国英语). 
  38. ^ 38.0 38.1 Lordship Salvation. Ligonier Ministries. [2023-12-03]. (原始内容存档于2024-10-03) (美国英语). During the final two decades of the twentieth century, certain dispensational theologians began to propagate the idea that one could be in a state of salvation and lack entirely the fruit of repentance from sin and obedience to Christ. Their particular form of soteriology came to be known as free grace–a title coined by Zane Hodges. Some of the other more well-known adherents of the Free Grace movement were Louis Sperry Chafer, Miles Stanford, and Norman Geisler. Hodges became a particularly well-known proponent of the Free Grace theology because of his 1981 book The Gospel under Siege. 
  39. ^ Hodges, Zane Clark. A Free Grace Primer: The Hungry Inherit, the Gospel Under Siege, and Grace in Eclipse. Grace Evangelical Society. 2011-11-15. ISBN 978-0-9788773-9-2 (英语). 
  40. ^ Free Grace Theology on Trial: A Refutation of "Historical Protestant" Soteriology – Grace Evangelical Society. 2023-05-16 [2023-05-16]. (原始内容存档于2024-07-19) (美国英语). 
  41. ^ Lazar, Shawn. A Vast Difference: M. R. DeHaan on Salvation and Discipleship – Grace Evangelical Society. 2016-08-26 [2024-01-25]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-26) (美国英语). 
  42. ^ R. Rice, John. Dr. Rice... Here Are More Questions. Sword of the Lord Publishers. 1973. ISBN 0-87398-157-X. There is not any way you can judge whether people are born again except as you take their testimony that they have put their trust in Jesus Christ and depended on Him for salvation. Some of these young people indeed may not have been taught to trust in Christ. If they were looking for "an experience," a certain kind of feeling or emotion, then they may have been misled. Now a Christian should live a consecrated Christian life but that does not automatically follow. 
  43. ^ Dispensationalism and Free Grace: Intimately Linked. Dispensational Publishing. [2023-08-20]. (原始内容存档于2024-06-14) (美国英语). 
  44. ^ A. Ironside, Harry. What Is The Gospel?. “ The Gospel is not a call to repentance, or to amendment of our ways, to make restitution for past sins, or to promise to do better in the future. 
  45. ^ Wilkin, Bob. What Denominations Hold to Free Grace? – Grace Evangelical Society. 11 February 2022 [2023-01-10]. (原始内容存档于2024-09-28) (美国英语). [需要較佳来源]
  46. ^ Lazar, Shawn. Are There Any Free Grace Denominations? – Grace Evangelical Society. 24 August 2021 [2023-04-18]. (原始内容存档于2024-07-16) (美国英语). [需要較佳来源]
  47. ^ Bing, Charles. Lordship Salvation: A Biblical Evaluation and Response. Xulon. 2010. 
  48. ^ Anderson, David. Maximum Joy: First John – Relationship or Fellowship? New Study. The Woodlands, TX: Grace Theology Press. 2013. 
  49. ^ Radmacher, Earl. Salvation. Swindoll Leadership Library. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson. 2007: 143–186. 
  50. ^ Dillow, Joseph. Final Destiny: The Future Reign of the Servant Kings. 2012: 350–390. 
  51. ^ Charles, Stanley. Understanding Eternal Security: Secure in God's Unconditional Love. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson. 1998. 
  52. ^ Dillow, Joseph. Final Destiny: The Future Reign of the Servant Kings. 2012: 719–738. 
  53. ^ Moyer, Larry. Free and Clear: Understanding & Communicating God's Offer of Eternal Life. Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel. 1997: 57–79. 
  54. ^ Anderson, David (2018). Free Grace Soteriology (3rd. ed.). The Woodlands, TX: Grace Theology Press.
  55. ^ Dillow, Joseph. Final Destiny: The Future Reign of the Servant Kings. 2012: 910–989. 
  56. ^ Hodges, Zane Clark. Absolutely Free!: A Biblical Reply to Lordship Salvation. Zondervan. 1989. ISBN 978-0-310-51960-7 (英语). 
  57. ^ [1] 互联网档案馆存檔,存档日期December 9, 2008,.
  58. ^ [2] 互联网档案馆存檔,存档日期November 20, 2008,.
  59. ^ E.g., Dick Seymour, All About Repentance (1974)[页码请求]; G. Michael Cocoris, Lordship Salvation, Is it Biblical? (circa 1983)[页码请求] and Repentance: The Most Misunderstood Word in the Bible (1993)[页码请求]; Curtis Hutson, Repentance, What does the Bible Teach[页码请求]; Richard Hill, Why a Turn or Burn Theology is Wrong[页码请求]; and Ronald R. Shea, The Gospel booklet (1988)[页码请求]; and numerous articles by John R. Rice and Curtis Hutson in the Sword of the Lord magazine.[查证请求]
  60. ^ Bing, Dr Charlie. Repentance: What's in a Word. www.gracelife.org. [2023-04-17]. (原始内容存档于2024-03-13) (美国英语). 
  61. ^ 3. New Testament Repentance: Lexical Considerations | Bible.org. bible.org. [2023-06-08]. (原始内容存档于2024-09-01) (英语). 
  62. ^ Wilkin, Bob. Will There Be Haves and Have-Nots in Jesus' Kingdom? – Grace Evangelical Society. 14 December 2022 [2023-04-18]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-20) (美国英语). 
  63. ^ Ministries, GraceLife. The Free Grace Alliance Within the Free Grace Movement: It is What it is!. www.gracelife.org. [2023-04-18]. (原始内容存档于2024-03-13) (美国英语). 
  64. ^ Wilkin, Bob. Can Faith Without Works Save? – James 2:14 – Grace Evangelical Society. September 1994 [2023-01-10]. (原始内容存档于2024-06-13) (美国英语). 
  65. ^ Dead Faith: What Is It?—A Study on James 2:14–26 – Grace Evangelical Society. [2023-02-21]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-23) (美国英语). 
  66. ^ Bing, Dr Charlie. Faith and Works in James 2:14. www.gracelife.org. [2023-02-21]. (原始内容存档于2023-02-21) (美国英语). 
  67. ^ Wilson, Kenneth. Reading James 2:19–20 Through Anti-Donatist Eyes: Untangling Augustine's Exegetical Legacy. JBL. 2020, 139 (2): 389–410. 
  68. ^ Hawley, Grant. Dispensationalism and Free Grace: Intimately Linked. Dispensational Publishing House. October 2017. ISBN 978-1-945774-14-0 (英语). 
  69. ^ Breshears, Gerry. New Directions in Dispensationalism. Evangelical Theological Society 43rd National Conference. Kansas City, MO. November 21–23, 1991 [2024-05-07]. OCLC 58480089. (原始内容存档于2023-04-09). 
  70. ^ Ministries, GraceLife. The Free Grace Alliance Within the Free Grace Movement: It is What it is!. www.gracelife.org. [2023-10-10]. (原始内容存档于2024-03-13) (美国英语). 
  71. ^ Anderson, David R. Free Grace Soteriology. Grace Theology Press. November 2012. ISBN 978-0-9884112-0-3 (英语). 
  72. ^ Dallas Theological Seminary Website. Dts.edu. [2013-12-02]. (原始内容存档于2018-06-28). 
  73. ^ Dillehay, Justin. How 'Free Grace' Theology Diminishes the Gospel. The Gospel Coalition. 15 June 2017 [2023-01-28]. (原始内容存档于2023-06-08) (美国英语). 
  74. ^ 74.0 74.1 Wilson, Ken. Heresy of the Grace Evangelical Society: Become a Christian Without Faith in Jesus As God and Savior. Amazon Digital Services LLC - KDP Print US. 2020-12-31. ISBN 979-8-5859-6339-1 (英语). 
  75. ^ Webmaster, G. E. S. Robert Sandeman (1718-1771) – Grace Evangelical Society. August 2022 [2023-05-12]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-29) (美国英语). 
  76. ^ Patterson, Darrell. IS JESUS' SUBSTITUTIONARY DEATH FOR SIN NECESSARY TO BELIEVE FOR ETERNAL LIFE ACCORDING TO JOHN'S GOSPEL?. Grace Gospel Press. [2023-05-17]. (原始内容存档于2023-05-17) (美国英语). 
  77. ^ Webmaster, G. E. S. Has Grace in Focus Put the Free-Grace Gospel Out of Focus? – Grace Evangelical Society. 2009-11-01 [2023-06-06]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-20) (美国英语). 
  78. ^ A Review of Lewis Sperry Chafer's "Systematic Theology" | Bible.org. bible.org. [2023-10-30]. (原始内容存档于2023-11-29) (英语). 
  79. ^ Chosen to Serve: Why Divine Election Is to Service, Not to Eternal Life – Grace Evangelical Society. [2023-10-30]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-25) (美国英语). 
  80. ^ Wilkin, Bob. election to service – Grace Evangelical Society. 2022-11-15 [2023-10-30]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-18) (美国英语). 
  81. ^ The Doctrine of Absolute Inability. Grace to You. [15 December 2018]. (原始内容存档于2024-02-22). 
  82. ^ Doctrinal Statement. Grace School of Theology. [15 December 2018]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-30). 
  83. ^ Grudem, Wayne. Election Is Not Based on God's Foreknowledge of Our Faith. Monergism. [15 December 2018]. (原始内容存档于2023-12-11). 
  84. ^ Cobb, John. Election Is Based on Foreknowledge. Review and Expositor. 1954, 51 (1): 22–28. S2CID 146858973. doi:10.1177/003463735405100103. 
  85. ^ Ryrie, Charles C. Basic Theology: A Popular Systematic Guide to Understanding Biblical Truth. Moody Publishers. 1999-01-11. ISBN 978-1-57567-498-8 (英语). 
  86. ^ Schwertley, Brian. Limited Atonement. Monergism. [15 December 2018]. (原始内容存档于2024-02-22). 
  87. ^ Waite, D.A. Calvin's Error of Limited Atonement. UK Apologetics. [15 December 2018]. (原始内容存档于2024-02-23). 
  88. ^ See also Alcorn, Randy. What Is Your View on Limited Atonement?. Eternal Perspective Ministries. [15 December 2018]. (原始内容存档于2023-06-02). 
  89. ^ Murray, John. Irresistible Grace. Ligonier Ministries. [15 December 2018]. (原始内容存档于2024-06-18). 
  90. ^ Smith, C. Fred. Whosoever Will: A Review Essay. LBTS Faculty Publications and Presentations. 2010: 377 [2024-05-07]. (原始内容存档于2024-02-26). 
  91. ^ Piper, John. Perseverance of the Saints. Desiring God. 15 March 2008 [15 December 2018]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-18). 
  92. ^ Stanley, Charles. Eternal Security: Can You Be Sure?需要免费注册. Nashville, TN: Oliver Nelson. 1990: 80. ISBN 9780840790958.