


死亡驅力,或譯死本能(德語:Todestrieb, 希臘語拉丁轉寫:Thanatos, 英語:Death Drive)是一個精神分析概念,指趨向死亡和毀滅的衝動,通常由攻擊性、強迫性重複和自我毀滅等行為表現出來。它最初見於萨宾娜·施皮尔赖因1912年的论文《毁灭是存在的原因》中[1][2][3],后由西格蒙德·弗洛伊德發展[4]。死亡驅力代表了攻擊、破壞、自殺等破壞性驅力,試圖終結生命,回歸無機物的狀態。






在後弗洛伊德思想中,死亡驅力有時被稱為塔納托斯(指希臘神話中死亡的擬人化形象),與愛欲生本能厄洛斯相輔相成,儘管弗洛伊德本人並未使用過這一術語,而是由威廉·施特克爾於 1909 年引入,然後在當前語境中由保羅·費德恩引入。[6][7]後來的精神分析學家,如雅克·拉岡和梅蘭妮·克萊因,都對這一術語展開了論述。


  1. ^ Spielrein, Sabina. Destruction as the Cause of Coming Into Being. Journal of Analytical Psychology. April 1994, 39 (2): 155–186. doi:10.1111/j.1465-5922.1994.00155.x.  Free pdf of the full essay 互联网档案馆存檔,存档日期2016-03-06. by the Arizona Psychoanalytic Society.
  2. ^ Spielrein, Sabina. Destruction as Cause of Becoming. Psychoanalysis and Contemporary Thought. 1995, 18 (1): 85–118. 
  3. ^ Spielrein, Sabina. Die Destruktion als Ursache des Werdens. Jahrbuch für Psychoanalytische und Psychopathologische Forschungen. 1912, IV: 465–503 (德语). 
  4. ^ Sigmund Freud, "Beyond the Pleasure Principle" in On Metapsychology (Middlesex 1987), p. 316.
  5. ^ See occurrences of "death drives" and of "death drive".
  6. ^ Jones, Ernest. The Life and Work of Sigmund Freud. Volume 3. New York City: Basic Books. 1957: 273 [1953]. It is a little odd that Freud himself never, except in conversation, used for the death instinct the term Thanatos, one which has become so popular since. At first he used the terms "death instinct" and "destructive instinct" indiscriminately, alternating between them, but in his discussion with Einstein about war he made the distinction that the former is directed against the self and the latter, derived from it, is directed outward. Stekel had in 1909 used the word Thanatos to signify a death-wish, but it was Federn who introduced it in the present context. 
  7. ^ Laplanche, Jean; Pontalis, Jean-Bertrand. Thanatos. The Language of Psychoanalysis. Abingdon-on-Thames: Routledge. 2018 [1973]. ISBN 978-0-429-92124-7. [永久失效連結]