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塞萨洛尼基的圣德米特里 Sanctus Demetrius Thessalonicensis | |
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大殉道者、流出没药者 | |
出生 | 270年 羅馬帝國塞萨洛尼基(現今的希臘) |
逝世 | 306年(35—36歲) |
敬礼於 | 东正教 罗马天主教 東方正統教會 聖公會 信義會 |
主要朝聖地 | 塞薩洛尼基、希臘 |
瞻礼 | 10月26日(格里曆) 11月8日(儒略曆) |
象徵 | 穿著盔甲的羅馬士兵,常持長矛,骑着紅馬 |
主保 | 塞薩洛尼基 士兵 十字軍(天主教) |
圣德米特里或圣底马翠斯、底米丢(希臘語:Άγιος Δημήτριος της Θεσσαλονίκης;拉丁語:Sanctus Demetrius Thessalonicensis)是一位基督教殉道聖人,生活在4世纪早期。

[编辑]- Robin Cormack, Writing in Gold, Byzantine Society and its Icons, George Philip, London, 1985. ISBN 0-540-01085-5
- Eugenia Russell, St Demetrius of Thessalonica; Cult and Devotion in the Middle Ages, Peter Lang, Oxford, 2010. ISBN 978-3-0343-0181-7
- James C. Skedros, Saint Demetrios of Thessaloniki: Civic Patron and Divine Protector 4th-7th Centuries CE, Trinity Press International, 1999. Summarized in Harvard Theological Review 89:410 (1996). in JSTOR
- James C. Skedros, "Response to David Woods" Harvard Theological Review 93:3:235 (July 2000). at JSTOR
- Kurt Weitzmann in The Icon, 1982, Evans Brothers Ltd, London, ills. pp. 32,51,220 (trans of Le Icone, Montadori 1981), ISBN 0-237-45645-1
- David Woods, "Thessalonica's Patron: Saint Demetrius or Emeterius?" Harvard Theological Review 93:3:221-234 (July 2000). at JSTOR free copy (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- David Woods, bibliography on St. Demetrius (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- David Woods, St Demetrius (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) from his Military Martyrs Web site. Includes article on Origins of the Cult, the Passion and Miracles by Anastasius the Librarian (BHL 2122 and 2123), images & links.
- The Life Of The Holy Great Martyr Of Christ Saint Demetrios The Myrrh-Bearer of Thessalonica Compiled by Fr. Demetrios Serfes
- Holy, Glorious Demetrius the Myrrhgusher of Thessalonica (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) Orthodox icon and synaxarion